The history of neurostimulation for pain relief dates back to ancient Greece. As with many ancient remedies, healers drew upon the natural physiology of an animal to provide healing effects. In the case of neurostimulation, healers turned to the electrical discharge of the torpedo fish. Since then, electrical stimulation devices have come a long way. So, too, has our understanding of the underlying mechanisms.

Advancing the Practice

Physicians in Europe and the USA developed the practice of neurostimulation across the 18th and 19th centuries. Even Benjamin Franklin made a well-intentioned (though ill-fated) foray into medical electrostimulation.

Early Examples

In the early 20th century, the popularity of neurostimulation culminated in the advent of the Electreat. This device was a precursor to today's trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machines. Following Melzack and Wall's gate control theory in 1965, clinical neurostimulation underwent a more informed evolution.

Promising Potential

In time, experiments revealed the efficacy of deep-brain stimulation for the relief of central pain and other conditions. Despite the ancient origins of neurostimulation, its benefits have yet to be completely revealed or appreciated.

The Forefront of Innovation

The Sanakey is the latest development in neurostimulation technology. It is the latest step in hand-held pain relief. The device has lineage tracing back to the Russian SCENAR device. The Sanakey's biofeedback-controlled stimulation enables evidence-based application. This optimises treatment parameters and ensures consistent results across a broad range of conditions. The Sanakey, therefore, effectively treats both acute and chronic pain.

Treatment Methodology

The Sanakey delivers a dampened, biphasic, sinusoidal impulse. This is delivered through two fixed concentric electrodes. The device adjusts its output in response to changes in skin resistance or impedance. This means the Sanakey may be applied directly to the skin without the need for conductive gels. This advancement in treatment significantly impacts the way neurostimulation is delivered. Subsequently, the results achieved in a clinic setting are improved.

Primary Aspects

Sanakey treatments optimise the four primary aspects of neurostimulation. This ensures better and longer-lasting results. Research shows that optimisation of treatment parameters increases the efficacy of treatment. This applies to a range of painful conditions.

Treatment Parameters

Neglecting any of the primary parameters may reduce or negate the clinical benefit of the treatment. The parameters are described below.

Optimal Treatment Points (Keypoints)

  • The Sanakey Identifies Areas of Low Impedance
  • These Areas Relate to Major Nerve Branch Trigger Points, Acupuncture Points, and Localised Areas of Sympathetic Skin Response
  • Research Shows That Targeting These Points Achieves a Better Result

High-Amplitude Stimulation

  • The Sanakey Safely Delivers a Much Higher Amplitude Signal Than a TENS Device or Interferential Therapy
  • This is Possible via Feedback-Controlled Stimulation

Varying Frequency

  • A Range of Analgesic Mechanisms Activate When Varying Frequencies Are Used
  • The Sanakey Supports a Frequency Range of 5-460 Hz
  • Sanakey Protocols Ensure a Broad Range of Frequencies Are Delivered in Each Treatment

Prevent Accommodation

  • Research Shows that Treating Too Often, Too Long, or with Fixed Frequencies Causes the Body to Stop Responding to Neurostimulation - Sometimes After As Little As Four 20-Minute Treatments
  • The Sanakey Delivers Short, Infrequent Treatments to Multiple Treatment Points Using a Wide Range of Frequencies
  • The Sanakey Ensures Patients Continue to Respond to Treatment Over the Full Treatment Course


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